
Despicable Me

Synopsis: A man (voiced by Steve Carell) who's in the midst of making plans to steal the moon is sidetracked when he's put in charge of three orphans in this computer-generated 3-D animated film by directors Chris Renaud and Pierre Coffin. Jason Segel, Kristen Wiig, Will Arnett, Danny McBride, Russell Brand, and Julie Andrews also lend their voices to the Universal Pictures production.

*ing : Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Kristen Wiig, Julie Andrews and Will Arnett

Release Date : 9th July

[REC] 2

Synopsis: Jaume Balaguero and Paco Plaza return to scare the pants off of audiences once again with this follow-up to their Spanish chiller [REC], which centered on a trapped TV news crew in a quarantined apartment building whose inhabitants are infected with a virus that turns them homicidal.

*ing : Manuela Velasco, Leticia Dolera, Juli Fabregas, Jonathan Mellor and Ariel Casas
Release Date : 9th July

The Girl Who Played with Fire

Synopsis: Mikael Blomkvist has made his living exposing the crooked and corrupt practices of establishment Swedish figures.

So when a young journalist approaches him with a meticulously researched thesis about sex trafficking in Sweden and those in high office who abuse underage girls, Blomkvist immediately throws himself into the investigation.

*ing : Noomi Rapace, Michael Nyqvist and Alexandra Eisenstein

Release Date : 2nd July 2010

The Last Airbender

Synopsis : Suspense auteur M. Night Shyamalan takes a break from crafting original screenplays to tell this tale of a 12-year-old boy (Noah Ringer) who provides the last hope for restoring harmony to a land consumed by chaos.

In a world balanced on the four nations of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, people known as the Waterbenders, Earthbenders, Firebenders, and Airbenders have mastered their native elements.

Though the masters can each manipulate their native elements, the only one with the power to manipulate all four elements is a young boy known as the Avatar. When the Avatar subsequently appears to die while still mastering his powers, the Fire nation launches a global war with the ultimate goal of global domination. One hundred years later, two teens discover that the Avatar and his flying bison have in fact been locked in suspended animation.

Upon being freed from his prison, the Avatar embarks on an arduous quest to restore harmony among the four war-ravaged nations.

Robert Pattinson hates fights

Hollywood hunk Robert Pattinson is a gentleman in the true sense because he could not bring himself to hurt the stuntmen on the set of his new film 'Remember Me'.

The 23-year-old actor filmed his own fight scenes in the movie but admits he was no match for the stunt team in the tough guy stakes, Contactmusic reported.

In the film, Pattinson plays a tormented student who rebels against his father and then falls in love after suffering a family tragedy.
"I punched the stuntman's face four times - as hard as I could. And he just grinned at me and said he didn't feel a thing. It was frustrating," he said.

The Twilight star's lack of spirit to fight also exists in his real life, although he has engaged in several brawls.

"When I was a teenager I often got myself into precarious situations without realising that it would end in a brawl, more than once!," Pattinson said.

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